Thursday, October 11, 2012

Surviving The Spiderweb Prophesy

There has never been a time in history when we have been so obviously at the edge of disaster as a planet and as a people.  The powerless multitudes of the industrialized world fall into acquiescent obscurity as The New World Order is managed by feckless exploiters with the world's resources and the lives of billions in snare. Profit and power rule over piety, and the common human is an often unknowing victim. Big pharmaceutical drugs are making people sick, and The Creator's natural medicine/food can get you put behind bars. There is hope for those that seek the Truth and live righteously, not religiously.

The interpreters of the 5th Sign of the Hopi Prophesy may have been premature when telephone wires were attributed to, "...spiderwebs in the sky." Granted, to the native person born into a world without technological tapestries that dot many corners of the earth like we have today, those miles long wires of black would have been alarming and been one of the signals marking an end of their culture and ways. Those were the days when everything was changing rapidly. Today things are changing rapidly and then some. Our technology is changing rapidly. Our military has grown rapidly. Our environment is changing rapidly. The aerosol spraying program commonly referred to as chemtrails, or the scientific moniker (though there is no public affirmative answer that it exists) Aerosol Climate Engineering, has appeared in nearly every corner of the world. As the sky is sprayed, often in a grid-like pattern, one can't help but think of the Hopi Elder Prophecy of spiderwebs in the sky and realize it is a much more apropos 5th Sign. It is one of the major crimes against humanity on many levels, and there is a connection with chemtrails and other predictions within the prophesy.

"My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, [from the stars] as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. We were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.
"He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother.
"The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know.

The "White Brother," or, let's use the term "Light Brother," have shown up at the scene of the Chemtrail Crimes so often, that one could assume that they condemn the program, and possibly have tried numerous times to interfere with the pilots of these aerosol tanker jets. Astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were met on the surface of the moon by a flotilla of extraterrestrial crafts that made their domination of space understood.  Rather than lie about his experience, Neil Armstrong spent many years in isolation after his experiences. There are military accounts at nuclear missile sites that tell of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon shutting down the entire apparatus, restoring power hours later. In essence, the ancestors, or aliens, or Light Sisters/Brothers must be here to help after leaving us to our own devices for so long. They must share some of the same concerns as we, the people that are awake and aware share. They have been warning us for a long time.

    Many ancient cultures around the world share similarities in prophesies. It is clear that the imbalance of our current environment and geo-political hegemony is not sustainable, let alone spiritually healthy. We are at a very demurring cross-roads, and the path less traveled is the only way to a better life, as the one more traveled is in proverbial flames. As the Hopi Prophesies tell, there will be a great "river" sweeping people away during the period of purification. You will be safe if you do not fight the current or turn away from your faith in God-Spirit. We will shed the darkness of the 4th World and be escorted by the aid of our "ancestors," into the 5th World. We cannot simply seek shelter from chemtrail poison, as it is said in the prophesies, one cannot hide from evil. We must be brave and fight it.

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