Friday, November 16, 2012

“Your pain is not coming from your back. Would you like to come with me to the world of the spirits?”

We are not your average film company company. We believe and live by synchronicity, service, and interdependence. In fact, our name is a Sanskrit word meaning “servant.” By this we mean that we are not in the film business for personal gain, and we know that we would not have had the successes that we have had if we did. Gopyaka Films International is a nonprofit born out of our incredible and humbling life saving experience with our shaman, Don Antonio, an elder Mayan healer from a small pueblo in Yucatan, Mexico. When we chanced upon meeting him and his family, we were in a desperate situation you could say both physically and spiritually. Without a hint as to what we felt we needed treatment for, Don Antonio immediately recognized that my husband was in serious pain and said,

“Your pain is not coming from your back. Would you like to come with me to the world of the spirits?”

Since we are not people that turn away from great wisdom and challenge, Philip (my husband)  accepted.   It was only after a harrowing 14 days of intensive treatment the likes of which could blow anyone’s mind that Philip overcame what he later learned was a life-threatening illness so-called modern medicine wouldn’t have a chance at treating effectively. Through spending a lot of time with our shaman’s family and in Yucatan, where as they say, “Magic is reality,” we were taught the importance of how to not lose sight of our souls in the struggle to live in both this world, or the material world, and the spirit world, with a full heart and divine purpose.

One day while receiving our treatments at their traditional Mayan cottage we asked who the children that were watching Don Antonio work were.  The family told us that they were the neighbors children that were allowed to  visit and watch as their parents were hard at work in town, since they were too poor to buy the uniforms required to attend school. They went on to tell us how many children are unable to attend school because lack of money needed to buy lunch at school, and a simple uniform. Our shaman’s family is fortunate to send their children off to school every day, but they know how difficult it is.  They also told us that it is rare for children to have the opportunity to see their ancient culture at work as these neighbor children had, and they feared that the young people had too little understanding of their roots, increasingly becoming part of the  more spiritually dissociated society.

An idea came over us instantly. My husband has a Master’s Degree in Media, and he’s a candidate for a Master’s Degree in Screenwriting Theory and Practice. We study international cinema. Here we have forged a bond with an amazing family of healers who trusted us to be in their home, even though they have no experience with people not from Yucatan, and changed our lives for the better forevermore. Why not ask this family if they would like to share their ancestral knowledge in a documentary film so that people know what is possible in this world, and by selling our film we will earn the money needed to begin “La Brigada de Los Ninos,” an organization to purchase school uniforms and provide lunch money to children in need, in exchange for that child’s participation once a month cleaning up garbage around their pueblo. Don Antonio said yes, and we quickly began working. 

Our film series entitled, Curanderos: Back To Halacho is still in production/post-production will be a multi-part series focusing on the different modalities that result in healing, including shamanism, music, dance, art, and last but not least, The Rhythmic Arts Project. We recently had the honor of doing a 5 1/2 minute video for a benefit concert for The Rhythmic Arts Project for which we received a standing ovation and many kind words from the host, Edward James Olmos (actor). 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Surviving The Spiderweb Prophesy

There has never been a time in history when we have been so obviously at the edge of disaster as a planet and as a people.  The powerless multitudes of the industrialized world fall into acquiescent obscurity as The New World Order is managed by feckless exploiters with the world's resources and the lives of billions in snare. Profit and power rule over piety, and the common human is an often unknowing victim. Big pharmaceutical drugs are making people sick, and The Creator's natural medicine/food can get you put behind bars. There is hope for those that seek the Truth and live righteously, not religiously.

The interpreters of the 5th Sign of the Hopi Prophesy may have been premature when telephone wires were attributed to, "...spiderwebs in the sky." Granted, to the native person born into a world without technological tapestries that dot many corners of the earth like we have today, those miles long wires of black would have been alarming and been one of the signals marking an end of their culture and ways. Those were the days when everything was changing rapidly. Today things are changing rapidly and then some. Our technology is changing rapidly. Our military has grown rapidly. Our environment is changing rapidly. The aerosol spraying program commonly referred to as chemtrails, or the scientific moniker (though there is no public affirmative answer that it exists) Aerosol Climate Engineering, has appeared in nearly every corner of the world. As the sky is sprayed, often in a grid-like pattern, one can't help but think of the Hopi Elder Prophecy of spiderwebs in the sky and realize it is a much more apropos 5th Sign. It is one of the major crimes against humanity on many levels, and there is a connection with chemtrails and other predictions within the prophesy.

"My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, [from the stars] as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. We were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.
"He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother.
"The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know.

The "White Brother," or, let's use the term "Light Brother," have shown up at the scene of the Chemtrail Crimes so often, that one could assume that they condemn the program, and possibly have tried numerous times to interfere with the pilots of these aerosol tanker jets. Astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were met on the surface of the moon by a flotilla of extraterrestrial crafts that made their domination of space understood.  Rather than lie about his experience, Neil Armstrong spent many years in isolation after his experiences. There are military accounts at nuclear missile sites that tell of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon shutting down the entire apparatus, restoring power hours later. In essence, the ancestors, or aliens, or Light Sisters/Brothers must be here to help after leaving us to our own devices for so long. They must share some of the same concerns as we, the people that are awake and aware share. They have been warning us for a long time.

    Many ancient cultures around the world share similarities in prophesies. It is clear that the imbalance of our current environment and geo-political hegemony is not sustainable, let alone spiritually healthy. We are at a very demurring cross-roads, and the path less traveled is the only way to a better life, as the one more traveled is in proverbial flames. As the Hopi Prophesies tell, there will be a great "river" sweeping people away during the period of purification. You will be safe if you do not fight the current or turn away from your faith in God-Spirit. We will shed the darkness of the 4th World and be escorted by the aid of our "ancestors," into the 5th World. We cannot simply seek shelter from chemtrail poison, as it is said in the prophesies, one cannot hide from evil. We must be brave and fight it.

Friday, August 3, 2012



For those of our friends who haven't read the first two segments of these articles, we have been discussing the intrinsic significance of 2012 and the vast changes ahead as the dying Age of Materialism is slowly replaced by the higher-vibration Ag
e of Spiritualism. We have talked about the Mayan long calendar's 26,000 year cycles, the Hopi prophesies, the Vedas---all signifying that this year---2012---has special importance for the future of the planet and its inhabitants. But now we would like to discuss a phenomenon that may have a direct impact on our near future, and we write as people who have seen---extremely closely---Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) at very close range on more than ten separate occasions---in the Yucatan, Arizona, and California. Much of what we have seen has been videotaped. In May of 2011 we witnessed, along with our twelve-year-old daughter, three luminous orbs follow, circle, fly directly in front of and behind---many U.S. Air Force fighters in the Arizona desert. The bombers were helpless and slow. The orbs were faster than can be imagined. Watching affected all of us psychologically. Our daughter asked: "Why are the mountains changing places with each other?" She experienced brief confusion, while we felt calm and excited. Hundreds of pilots, both military and commercial, have filed reports of often near-calamitous encounters with fleets of orbs as large as 14. (See NORAB Facebook page. NORAB is an organization that provides anonymity to pilots, air traffic controllers, radar specialists, and other professionals to encourage reporting about UAP encounters). But the orbs did not ever undertake aggressive action. They always averted a confrontation. We no longer use the archaic term UFO. There is a stigma about the initials that inspire a cynicism that is dangerous considering the reality that UAP activity is at an historic high. Thousands of reports of separate incidents are made each month all over the world, and the preponderance of video and photographic evidence (although there are some hoaxes), begs the question: why are we being visited by a highly advanced culture in such an obviously benign manner? We believe that there is a close connection between the beginning of the new age, and the thousands of extraterrestrial spacecraft that are with us at all times. Part of the message is contained within the authentic crop circles that appear somewhere in the world almost every day. We encourage our friends to study the circles, and to attempt to interpret the messages contained within their sacred geometry. A lot of what one sees on the Internet are fakes, but even skeptical scientists admit that five percent of them are unexplainable, particularly the cellular changes experienced by the grass where a circle has been created. Strangely, the bent grass undergoes a process of change that makes it stronger than the grass around it. In other words, the circles are being made by an entity that has the power to enter the DNA of a plant and change it genetically. That itself is an important message. But the coded circles are crowded with information for the human race. People are waiting for visitors to come who have already been with us for thousands of years. The manner in which they communicate with us--for the time being at least---is through messages in crop circles. This method of symbolic communication is sophisticated (to say the least.) But it is ignored and ridiculed or exploited on reality TV programs. And how are the circles made? Nobody is quite sure, but dozens of witnesses have seen that the very orbs annoying our pilots are the creators of the circles. Some incredibly intricate circles have appeared in less than a few hours. The largest and most complex ever photographed only took one night. We must understand the messages contained within the circles if we are to enter the Age of Spirituality. Our universe is coded with symbols. We have a true challenge ahead of us in interpreting what is being shared with us as our planet shifts into an new age of hope and community. (Nikki & Phil Melnick)

The End of the Age of Materialism - The Beginning of the Age of Higher Consciousness (Part 2)

As we wrote in Part I of this article, many people across the globe are awaiting---with a sense of anticipatory gloom---the “End of the World” on December 21, 2012. There is little doubt that the Age of Materialism is coming to an end, that voracious consumption and disregard for our fellow human beings 
will slowly disappear as we begin a new era - the Age of Spirituality and Enlightenment. According to the Mayan long calendar, each era is 27,000 years in duration and for that reason alone we cannot expect revolutionary change to occur as rapidly as we may like. As the bloody, inquisition-filled, warlike, exploitative Age of Materialism declines we may in fact see a temporary increase in war, natural and human disaster, and even planetary changes that radically alter our planet. But those of us who live by spiritual norms and principles and work for the benefit of Humankind need not fear. The seed of the new age is already sprouting, an age where communication and cooperation replace fear and the acquisition of wealth. But we must always remember that we are in the mere beginning of a cycle that is thousands of years long. Change is a long and difficult process, particularly a change as fundamentally radical as that which is already beginning. We must retain our sense of humor, our devotion to our spiritual brothers and sisters, and recommit ourselves to fighting for a better, more humane world. We must educate, inform, console, and assist our friends and loved ones as this great and happy transition begins. We must retain our control and balance and strive to engage in non-attached action. As the Hindu saying goes, we must reach the point where our lack of attachment to the material world and our faith in God remain intact even if a mountain crumbles to dust in front of us. This is indeed a time to celebrate, remembering that good will always triumph over evil---even in the darkest of times. But the darkest days are behind us now. 2012 is upon us, and the Age of Spirituality has already taken root in the human psyche. To paraphrase from “Those Were the Days” by Jack Bruce and Eric Clapton: “Those were the days, my friends. Those were the days. Those were the days, yes they were, miracles everywhere, where are they now? They’re here.” (Phil and Nikki Melnick)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Coming Of Age Unceremonious For Most Young Americans

As the mother of a near teenager I am reminded of the difficulties young people are faced with in a society that avoids the sacred aid of the coming of age ceremony.  In many cultures these ceremonies teach young people what life is worth, how to persevere through challenges, and feel they are surrounded by a supportive community.  Of course, it all starts at a very young age when people are said to develop their personalities. This is where the media comes in...

Boys will be boys, and girls will be girls. Billions of dollars are spend every year vying for the hearts and minds of the very young, and the pocket-books of their parents.  The psyche is fed a never ending stream of sex identification through advertising consumer products. Emulous boys are often instilled with a tough veneer, masking emotions and encouraged toward competition. Both boys and girls are lured to desire material objects that are, now-in-days, high priced tech gadgets that only serve to drive a wedge between them, the natural world, and ultimately their inner self. Girls are subjected to seeing women objectified in the home, since all advertising pertaining to domestic care stars the mother-maid. Popular music is often rampant with promiscuity and dark deeds, and often is designed to promote shallowness.

In the Katsina Religion of the pueblo people living around the Four Corners, like the Hopi and Zuni, Katsina dolls were and are used to teach the people about cooperation, diversity, nature, and spirits. The Katsinam themselves were said to be spirits who sustained the people by bringing spiritual blessings and rain to the very dry lands.  Each Katsina represents something important to the knowledge and the life of these pueblo people, so when children are given these dolls, they are not given as toys as they are used to signify, not gratify. These principles and practices are still a part of these indigenous peoples lives today, and goes back perhaps over 1,000 years.

The Quinceanera is a pre-Columbian coming of age ceremony for girls turning 15, signifying their cross-over into womanhood. In this journey a girl, surrounded by her family, friends, and neighbors all work together to usher her into a new life with new responsibilities. A Quinceanera is elaborate; from the dress, cakes, dance, music, and guests, it makes sense that a girl turned woman would recognize that her community can be counted on, and that, likewise, they are counting on her. She must act like a "lady", and her four male dance partners must be perfect gentlemen.

Our educational system is plummeting to rank only 25th in the industrialized world, and the children are suffering for it. By the time a child begins to mature, they have heard so many falsehoods via their friends and media, and been approached to make unwise decisions at the behest of peers. It is no wonder that binge drinking and self-mutilation has become the new right of passage. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Tuesday, May 1st, is less than a week away and we at GFI are doing our best to build support for the Mass Demonstration Against Chemtrails and GMOs. We'll be on site at 5:30 AM to set things up, but we encourage supporters to arrive between 10:00 AM and 12:00 noon. We need more picket signs, buttons, all the ingredients for a lively protest. We're counting on all of you to help us make this a wonderful day that helps create momentum for a long-term struggle. Please join us! Get out the word! We'll have the media out in force, and we want to make certain that they report an large and enthusiastic crowd. Support the General Strike! Spend part of your day at Monsanto Incorporated in Oxnard! We look forward to standing with you shoulder to shoulder.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Since 1979, when GFI Executive Director Phil Melnick worked in Guatemala with the Guerrilla Army of the Poor, he has had a dream of making a contribution to the poorest children in Mexico and Central America. Two years ago---when an elder shaman in the village of Halacho in Yucatan, Mexico saved his life---the contours of that dream finally developed clarity. All around the otherwise pristine pueblo were aluminum cans, plastic bottles and containers, and other trash that had gathered over the years. The citizens were far too busy struggling to earn enough money to feed their families to clean up the growing blight. Then, Phil & his wife, Nikki, learned about a tragic condition in Halacho and all over Mexico. Children of the poorest workers & campesinos did not have enough money to purchase the requisite uniforms and books for their children to attend school with their friends. They were condemned to a life of illiteracy and poverty for lack of five or six hundred pesos ($50.00 U.S.). Phil and Nikki discussed this situation with their many friends throughout the Yucatan and decided that they could make
a difference. So---during the latter part of 2011---Gopyaka Films International (GFI) began a project which was named “La Brigada de los Ninos.” Beginning in the fall of 2012 GFI will purchase books and uniforms for all children who join the brigade and participate---under our supervision---in the effort to clean up their villages and pueblos. We’ll provide snacks, protective gear, heavy duty plastic bags, and will make each day of work a fun, communal experience for all volunteers. Also, it will be politically instructive. We will demonstrate
that collectively a great deal of work can be accomplished---that when people work together the results will be plain for all to see---a pueblo clean of plastics, glass, and aluminum. It has to be emphasized that not only needy children will be involved. We already have many kids in the pueblo of Halacho who have agreed to join us on weekends until the pueblo is cleaner and safer than it has been in years. Also, the providing of books and clothing to those who cannot afford these necessities will be discreet and private so that the recipients
will not be singled out by others in their community. Halacho is an agricultural commune, and nobody is affluent. But some people have more than others. GFI intends to establish these brigades throughout the Yucatan and eventually all over Mexico. All profits generated by our filmmaking collective, outside of what’s needed to continue our production of documentary films, will be invested in creating children’s brigades in the Yucatan, Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, and other states with a high percentage of indigenous people. Please join us in
Halacho in the autumn of 2012---only a couple of months before the current era ends and a new 26,000 year era of higher personal consciousness and spirituality begins.

Curanderos: Back To Halacho, Excerpt of Episode II-Music The Cosmic Shaman

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Curanderos: Back To Halacho (Acanceh Botanical Gardens, Yucatan, Mexico)

About Me
As a not-for-profit film company we produce unique educational films about the indigenous peoples of The Americas. With access into the world never before seen by non indigenous people, we open doors into ancient knowledge and sacred teachings.  Just as we have been invited to share in the power of the healing arts, music, nature, and brotherhood, we delve into the great shamanic mysteries.

As a promise to friends of the pueblo, Halacho, we will provide the necessary funds from this documentary to the children too poor to acquire school uniforms and other necessities which stands in the way of their education.  In return, Gopyaka Films International will ask each child who participates to join us in "La Brigada de Los Ninos," a brigade of children which will spend a short time spent beautifying the pueblo by picking up garbage and doing good deeds for the elderly. 

Just as our lives have been changed and we have learned a tremendous treasure of knowledge to help others with the permission of our elder shaman, we know that real seekers of truth will be drawn to this project and perhaps an understanding of the other, less seen side of reality will reveal that love and bliss necessary for evolution.  We invite all who need to be healed physically and mentally.  Our documentary, CURANDEROS or HEALERS, is a show and tell of how only an alternative curing saves the life of Philip, who told he must have major back surgery, later to be told by a , Maya shaman, Don Antonio Moo Chin, that the problem was only manifesting in the back.  The mind must first be cleansed and brought into light and power. The pain is gone after only one month of intensive therapy, and the journey continues as the patient learns and is invited to become a keeper of Mayan mysteries.

At this time in our planets living consciousness there has never been a more important time to build cultural bridges, help one another, and help those who have been brutalized and marginalized. GOPYAKA FILMS INTERNATIONAL is preparing a film that promises to unveil a connection between healing from within and the part of life unseen, the transcendental mystery that we originate from.  We offer insights to the soul, indigenous culture, and the art that keeps the flame dancing in our hearts. Please join us.

Curanderos: Back To Halacho

Curanderos: Back To Halacho

Gopyaka Films International Executive Director in a shamanic initiation ceremony with friend and Shaman Yax Kin Can May (Tiburcio) who brings him to Professor and Shaman Edgar Francisco Perraza Chan in the Acanceh Botanical Garden.  They work together to heal with sound and connect with spirits.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Come to Oxnard, CA to participate in the mass demonstration to show your opposition to CHEMTRAILS and GMOs in our food supply.  We at Gopyaka Films International have made this video at the Monsanto facility, the site where we will hold a mass protest, to inform people why it is important to stand up against the deliberate poisoning, perhaps more important that all other issues. This is a war against all of humanity, including you and your family and friends.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mass Demonstration Planned Against Seminis (Monsanto) in Oxnard, May 1, 2012


 A mass demonstration against the Seminis Corporation in Oxnard, according to their website the “largest grower and marketer of fruit and vegetable seeds in the world,” will take place beginning at 5:00 A.M. on May 1st, 2012. Seminis, a division of Monsanto Incorporated, is a pioneer in the creation and distribution of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and has recently created an aluminum resistant seed that can withstand the extremely high levels of aluminum caused by the aerosol spraying that is part of a top secret military operation controlled by the United States Navy and Air Force. “It’s unfortunate that human beings aren’t aluminum resistant,” says Philip Melnick, Executive Director of Gopyaka Films International (GFI), one of the demonstration’s sponsors. “The white-painted B52 jets for what project insiders call “solar radiation management” are owned by Omega Engineering based in London. Their two biggest clients are the Air Force and Navy. In fact, many of the jets take off from the Point Mugu Naval Air Station.” Millions of Americans claim that Monsanto Incorporated is deeply involved in the spraying program, providing some of the metal and chemical “soup” for the missions. “What cynicism,” says Melnick. “Many people allege that Monsanto not only poisons our food supply, but also poisons our air and water through the aerosol spraying program.” The demonstration against Seminis will begin early in the morning and continue until 10:00 P.M. Participants will form a moving picket line and will not interfere with the ability of employees to enter or exit their workplace. For those who wish to participate, the address is 2700 Camino del Sol in Oxnard, California. “We’ll obey all laws,” says Melnick. “Our intention is to raise awareness of the reality that we the people are being sprayed like bugs with aluminum, xylene, cadmium, strontium, as well as bacteria and viruses. Further, we’re being fed tomatoes that are crossbred with anchovies.” This is Gopyaka Films International’s first foray into mass action. “We make television programs that promote the preservation of indigenous culture in the Americas,” says Melnick. “But when we videotaped chemical trails above the 2000 year old sacred city of Uxmal in the Yucatan it was too much for us. We decided we had to take a stand.” For further information call: (818) 274-1132. gopyakafilms@yahoo.com

Monday, February 13, 2012


Phil Melnick, 61, began his career as an activist when he was sixteen years old. A young singer/guitarist/songwriter Phil published two songs, "After the War" and "All is Well," that were sung by topical folk singers throughout California during the mid-1960s. "After the War" was performed by Peter Geer (Will Geer's son) at the 100,000 strong anti-Vietnam War protest in San Francisco in 1967. Phil, then 17, knew that his life would be devoted to fighting against oppression, racism, and war.
Elected Associated Students Vice-President of San Fernando Valley State College in 1969 (now CSUN), Phil was arrested for conspiracy to commit a riot at a demonstration in remembrance of the massacre of students at Kent State College by the National Guard. He served four months and twenty days in Los Angeles County Jail beginning on his 21st birthday in 1970. "Jail changed me into a more serious and mature person," says Phil. "I knew how powerful the Establishment really was, and I was committed to changing America at all costs."
In 1974 Melnick was hired as a union organizer by the Amalgamated Clothing & Textile Workers Union AFL-CIO. Assigned to organizing primarily Latino workers in the sweatshops of Los Angeles, Phil and the other four members of his team were responsible for bringing more than 20,000 new members---many of them undocumented workers---into the union.
In 1979 Phil left the Amalgamated and moved to Guatemala to assist the Mayan people in their struggle against the U.S. supported military government that had already murdered more than 200,000 indigenous people. His bar in Panajachal in Lake Atitlan served as a clandestine headquarters for the Guerrilla Army of the Poor. Informed by close friends that there was a "hit" out on his life, Phil escaped from Guatemala through Nicaragua, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
Returning to the United States in 1980, Melnick became Co-Director (along with GFI Board Member Jim Smith) of the CWA Psych Tech Union. Phil & Jim oversaw a staff of more than twenty organizers and representatives and together directed an organizing project that brought 8,000 new members into the union. At the time, it was the largest union organizing victory in California in more than 30 years.
From 1982 through 1985 Phil moved to Copenhagen, Denmark where his column in "Land og Folk" newspaper---"Letter from the USA"---received honors in journalism. While in Denmark he published a book about unions in the garment industry---"The Organizing of H & H Manufacturing Company"---that was widely read in Denmark and Norway. His article, "Inside the AFL-CIA," was voted "Best Article of the Year" by the staff of Land og Folk. While in Europe Phil traveled to Switzerland, Italy, and lived in Yugoslavia for six months---publishing articles in newspapers and magazines throughout Europe.
In 1985 Melnick returned to the USA and became an organizer and negotiator for the International Association of Machinists, the California School Employees Association, and the California Nurses Association.
In 1996 he and blues guitarist Brian James recorded an album of Phil's poems, "Spoken Blues," and embarked on a tour of California, Oregon, and Washington performing for audiences large and small. "L.A. Magazine" wrote: "Melnick's poetry is "tough, gritty, working class...with a sublime quality that is all the richer for the steel guitar accompaniment of B. James."
In 2000 Phil retired as a union organizer and earned his degree in Labor Studies from the National Labor College in Maryland. In 2008 he was awarded a Master of Arts degree from Prescott College in Arizona in "Labor and Media," specializing in the damaging impact of traditional media on the minds of Americans, particularly children. His research and writing on the subject of subliminal messaging in television and print advertising is still pace-setting.
Now a candidate for a second M.A.---this time in "Screenwriting: Theory and Practice," Phil has completed two screenplays that are currently on the market. He is in the process of completing his teleplay for GFI's five-part television series: "Curanderos" (Healers) that explores techniques of healing including shamanism, music, sound, art, dance, Tai Chi, and Chi Gung. Aside from writing the teleplay, Phil is directing and producing the series.
"I am in love with America," says Phil, "and the greatness of our people. We must put our political differences aside and fight against the deliberate poisoning of our population by chemical trails, genetically modified organisms, and geo-engineering. I'm neither left nor right. I'm just a patriot who knows the score."

Monday, January 23, 2012


This is the debut of a fundraising extravaganza to raise money to help us complete our phenomenal documentary film project, HEALERS, and help us fulfill our promise to indigenous children in the pueblos of Yucatan, that they will get the school uniforms and more that they need to receive a vital education. Please support us by sharing this fundraiser with family, friends, coworkers, and professionals who may be interested in our unique story.

Healers, a modern Mayan odyssey with a couple who's life is healed and transformed by treatments performed by an elder Mayan Shaman, Don Antonio. 2012 is here

Friday, January 13, 2012

2012: Donde Esta La Fiesta Grande?

2012: ¿Dónde está la fiesta grande?

Aunque no estamos seguros de cuáles son nuestros planes de fiesta para Nochevieja, sabemos que será en el estilo Maya. El protagonismo de este nuevo año, 2012, reconocida entre los estudiosos y teóricos y "New Age" seguidores del calendario Maya, se espera que atraiga a unos 52 millones de personas en los Estados mexicanos durante mucho tiempo los guardianes de la antigua sabiduría Maya. Yucatán, Quintana Roo, Campeche, Chiapas y Tabasco son todos calienta para viajeros que todos tienen su propia idea de la importancia de la "fecha final".

Algunos creen que esto significa que debemos esperar el día del juicio, y de todo el mundo el calamidades son una acumulación de proporciones apocalípticas. A continuación, algunas personas creen debido a la presión sobre la madre tierra y la triste suerte de la humanidad agredidos a por la rueda aplastante, indiferente de gran CODICIA, todos tendremos que sufrir un cambio en la conciencia que sólo puede tener éxito cuando cada individuo va más allá en su verdadera identidad y deja de intentar nadar río arriba.

En mucho países eliminan desde la influencia Maya, o sin mitos de creación similares como los Hopi compartir, esta idea de "the end of time", o el fin de mantener el tiempo en la forma de la cuenta larga perfecta y calendario breve recuento es sorprendente y un nuevo concepto. Pedir una maya o mexicano que honra a los ancestros Mayas y obtendrá una respuesta muy diferente. 21 De diciembre de 2012, el solsticio de invierno, es la fecha que los mayas fueron dados por antiguos visitantes extraterrestres que jugaron gran parte de nuestro desarrollo de las grandes civilizaciones y posiblemente modificación genéticamente los primeros seres humanos que saltaron vallas evolutivas mucho más rápidos de lo que podría haber hecho la naturaleza.

Avistamientos de Ovnis y OVNIs han sido frecuentes, especialmente en la última década, todo el mundo. México no es la excepción. Difícilmente encontrará un yucateco que no creen que existe una red de extraterrestres que viven en su mayoría bajo el radar aquí en la tierra por milenios, y que sus antepasados tenían una estrecha relación con ellos que compartieron en su sagrado ámate. Así que, si este es el caso, divulgador es lo que estamos esperando, ¿cuál es su finalidad? ¿Que se preocupan por nosotros y quieren ayudarnos a salir del lío loco de guerra interminable y las luchas? Serán exacta de Justicia, y si es así, será la violencia conocida violencia? Obviamente tendrían la capacidad de destruir a quien querían por ahora.

La tierra ya es ser bombardeada por llamaradas solares muchas veces más grandes que cualquier otras erupciones solares desde la edad de esta tecnología ha sido sobre nosotros. Si creemos que no estamos solos, y es hora de que los "hombres de sabiduría" para producir ellos mismos públicamente, quizás tengan un método para conservar todas o algunas de la humanidad durante una catástrofe que podría resultar apocalíptica. ¿Nuestros amigos Extraterrestres pasará a través de los canales formales de comunicación con los nuestros dirigentes, o son el problema? Estas y más preguntas sean alguien que toma en serio el calendario Tzolkin y todas las especulaciones hasta el momento de la verdad, un año a partir de hoy, se pesan demasiado en los corazones o sea el comienzo de una gran aventura. Buena suerte a todos! Paz y libertad.