Tuesday, May 17, 2016

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Healers and Warriors

          The job of a shaman is to do battle. Their unending battle transcends time and space as we know it. When someone seeks a shaman out to heal them of a disease, the shaman has to read the invader of the patient and decide the best course to take. They use enhanced crystal technology. They have time-tested methods including their own intuitive channels. Their lives are quiet on the outside. They have transcended the grosser energies and work with spirit animals, sound, and light. They ask spirits or ancestors for guidance and they live for freeing people from the bondage of things unseen but often manifest as illness. They are spiritual warriors and teachers.

          The battle takes place between the light and the dark. They are the push-back against the darkness and corruption. They know how to harness the sun, the wind, and time to cure an individual's disease. We are all born with the same crystal technology in our brains, according to Chief Golden Light Eagle of the Rosebud Oglala Lakota Sioux. He also describes a horrifying moment in U.S. history when tens of thousands of shaman, including his grandfather, were imprisoned, killed, and the brains removed from the skull. Were these shaman victims of medical experiments? Were their brains, for some reason, of great interest to the government? Were the brains removed as some sort of spiritual attack on shamanism and magic in general?Did they kill so many healers because they wanted to keep people from their fullest potential, a closeness with our Creator?

          People could be taught to use our own crystal technology encased in our brains by opening up the energy wheels, or chakras, like climbing a ladder through the multiple veils or sheaths of consciousness. In this material world there are so many road blocks cleverly put in our way to health and happiness, but people are unaware. It seems as though people don't really know what health and happiness are anymore. We who have awareness must become like spirit warriors. The vast apparatus that keeps us from good health because they spray us with poisons known to cause death must be fought unrelentingly. Apathy is their weapon against us. The New World Order could not exist if not for the consent by silence of the masses and denial of the vast apparatus and numerous programs that make us weak opponents. Weak, sick, ignorant, distracted, and dissatisfied.


           A Hopi Cloud Warrior, Delbert Phillips, says that a warrior who prepares to go into battle takes their last rites. They don't pray to live through it, they pray that they are effective and honorable in battle.  Medicine men and women heal by taking the illness of others on themselves. Warriors and healers are great teaches of sacrifice for the well being of the people. Perhaps a healers most important lesson is that you can become your own healer. Often people are the cause of their own suffering, or have unresolved issues with loved ones or the past. They are suppressing their own innate abilities. We must take steps to better ourselves, without expectation. Bridge the psycho-spiritual gap that is the chasm to your own self-realization. Then you can be ready to tackle the battles raging for our planet and our right to live. When our enemies threaten our lives starting at the top of the hierarchy of needs; clean air, clean and plentiful food for all, and water, it is a declaration of war. The New World Order has brought us chaos, destruction, and death. We need to break all bonds with the system of the beast, and let them feel the chaos for a change.